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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Instant Lane Caller

Instant Lane Caller

Well, hello there! I've updated my League of Legends instant lane caller! New features include:
Support was added
15 more choices were added
'Call Twice' feature was added
'Custom Message' was added - your own personal message/lane to send in chat
Important information was added

What it's for
This program allows you to let everyone know which lane you're taking via the champion selection chat at the push of a button. Basically, you get the lane you want every time.

How it works
It moves the cursor to the LoL chat (champion selection)
It clicks to let it start typing
The lane you chose is typed into the chat
It presses enter (sends the message)
All this is done in a matter of milliseconds. The program has absolutely nothing to do with the LoL client, therefore rendering it undetectable.

Open League of Legends
Open the program
Press 'Play' on LoL and join whatever game you want
On the program, select which lane you want to lock in
When it comes up, click 'Accept' to enter the champion selection screen
The second you click 'Accept', go to the program
As soon as you see the champion selection screen, click 'Call Lane'
Click call lane a few times if you want, in case someone hasn't joined the chat yet
Select your champion as usual and start playing
